
 Third version of HBS (Happy Birthday Song).
 Print only in main; less repitition.

 Try this with pythontutor.com to see exactly what's going on.

def to_you_line(h, comma):
    """ Return one line of the birthday song """
    # Includes the newline character at the end of the line.
    return f"{h}appy birthday to you{comma}\n"

def dear_line(name):
    """ Return first line with 'dear' of HBS """
    return f"happy birthday dear {name},\n"

def song(name):
    """ Return the entire HBS song as one string. """
    return to_you_line('H', ',')  + \
           to_you_line('h', ',')  + \
           dear_line(name) + \
           to_you_line('h', '!')

def main():
    """ Print the HBS. """
