 triangular peg solitaire
 See for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peg_solitaire

       .              initial puzzle position
      * *             * = peg
     * * *            . = hole
    * * * *
   * * * * *

 Legal moves consist of jumping one peg over another to an empty square.
 The goal is to find a sequence of moves that elimates all but one peg,
 leaving that one in the initial hole.

 Invoke it with the size on the command line.

    $ time python pegs.py 5
    Solving a size 5 triangular peg puzzle ...
    found a 13 move solution after looking at 579 positions:

        * * 
       * * * 
      * * * * 
     * * * * * 

        . * 
       . * * 
      * * * * 
     * * * * * 

        . * 
       * . . 
      * * * * 
     * * * * * 

        . . 
       * . * 
      * * * * 
     * * * * * 

        * . 
       . . * 
      . * * * 
     * * * * * 

        * * 
       . . . 
      . * * . 
     * * * * * 

        * * 
       . * . 
      . . * . 
     * . * * * 

        * * 
       . * . 
      . . * . 
     * * . . * 

        * * 
       . * . 
      . . * . 
     . . * . * 

        * * 
       . * * 
      . . . . 
     . . . . * 

        * . 
       . * . 
      . . . * 
     . . . . * 

        * . 
       . * * 
      . . . . 
     . . . . . 

        * . 
       * . . 
      . . . . 
     . . . . . 

        . . 
       . . . 
      . . . . 
     . . . . . 

    real	0m0.061s
    user	0m0.047s
    sys	0m0.009s

 Jim Mahoney | Dec 2019 | cs.marlboro.college | MIT License
import sys

def get_size():
    """ Return puzzle size from command line or default """
        return int(sys.argv[1])
        return 5   # default size

class Board:
    """ a triangular peg solitaire board 
        >>> b = Board(5)
        >>> print(b)
            * * 
           * * * 
          * * * * 
         * * * * * 
        >>> len(b.moves)              # number of conceivable moves
        >>> legal_move    = ( (2,0),(1,0),(0,0) )
        >>> illegal_move  = ( (2,0),(2,1),(2,2) )  
        >>> b.can_move(legal_move)
        >>> b.can_move(illegal_move)
        >>> b.do_move(legal_move)
        >>> print(b)
            . * 
           . * * 
          * * * * 
         * * * * * 
        >>> b.n_pegs
        >>> b.undo_move(legal_move)
        >>> print(b)
            * * 
           * * * 
          * * * * 
         * * * * * 
        >>> b.n_pegs

    def __init__(self, size, hole=(0,0)):
        self.size = size
        self.n_pegs = size*(size+1)//2 - 1 # e.g. 14 pegs (1 hole) for size=5
        self.hole = hole                   # position of inititial hole
        self.cells = self.get_cells(hole)  # array of initial cells
        self.moves = self.get_moves()      # possible move locations
        self.history = []                  # moves made to reach this position
        self.n_positions = 0               # counting searched positions

    def get_cells(self, hole):
        """ Create and return the cells for the intial board position. """
        # The board cells is stored as a list of lists, top to bottom,
        # with True,False values for filled,empty cells.
        # For a board of size 5, the initial position would be
        #  [[True],
        #   [True, True],
        #   [True, True, True],
        #   [True, True, True, True],
        #   [True, True, False, True, True]]
        # This means that the coordinate positions on the board are
        #               (0,0)
        #            (1,0)  (1,1)
        #        (2,0)  (2,1)  (2,2)
        #    (3,0)  (3,1)  (3,2)  (3,2)
        # and so on.
        cells = []
        for i in range(1, self.size+1):
        cells[hole[0]][hole[1]] = False
        return cells

    def get_moves(self):
        """ Return the coordinate triples where moves might occur, e.g.
            [ ((0,0),(1,0),(2,0)),  ((2,0),(1,0),(0,0)),  ... ]
            Each move consists of (start, skip, land) coordinates
            and each coordinate is a (row, column) pair.
        moves = []
        for row in range(0, self.size-2):      # from top to 2 up from bottom
            for col in range(0, row+1):        # full width of each row
                # The idea here is to loop over all 3x3 triangles on the board,
                # with (row,col) at the top of this little. Then there are
                # six possible moves in this triangle: down, across, slant,
                # and the reverse of each. Here's the picture :
                #    *   <---(row,col)    * down                  *  slant
                #    * *                  *                         *
                #    * * *                *         * * * across      *
                down   = ((row,col),   (row+1,col),   (row+2,col))
                across = ((row+2,col), (row+2,col+1), (row+2,col+2))
                slant  = ((row,col),   (row+1,col+1), (row+2,col+2))
                for move in (down, across, slant):
        return sorted(moves)

    def __str__(self):
        result = ""
        for row in range(0, self.size):
            result += " "*(self.size - row)
            for col in range(0, row+1):
                if self.cells[row][col]:
                    result += "* "
                    result += ". "
            result += "\n"
        return result[0:-1]      # omit last newline

    def is_peg(self, coord):
        """ Return True if there's a peg at the given coordinate. """
        return self.cells[coord[0]][coord[1]]

    def set_cell(self, coord, value):
        """ Put a True or False value (i.e. peg or no peg) into a cell """
        self.cells[coord[0]][coord[1]] = value

    def can_move(self, move):
        """ Return True if the current board allows the given move """
        # i.e. if the (start,skip,land) positions are (True,True,False)
        (start, skip, land) = move
        return     self.is_peg(start) and \
                   self.is_peg(skip) and \
               not self.is_peg(land)

    def do_move(self, move):
        """ Apply a move to the board. """
        (start, skip, land) = move
        self.set_cell(start, False)
        self.set_cell(skip,  False)
        self.set_cell(land,  True)
        self.n_pegs -= 1

    def undo_move(self, move):
        """ Undo a move on the board. """
        (start, skip, land) = move
        self.set_cell(start, True)
        self.set_cell(skip,  True)
        self.set_cell(land,  False)
        self.n_pegs += 1

    def is_solved(self):
        """ Return True if this position is in the solved state """
        # i.e. one peg in the initial hole position
        return self.n_pegs == 1 and self.is_peg(self.hole)

    def print_playback(self, moves=None):
        """ Print each position that led to this one. """
        board = Board(self.size)
        if not moves:
            moves = self.history
        for move in moves:

def solve(board):
    """ Search for a solution. Return True if found, 
        leaving board in a solved state. """
    # ... using a recursive backtracking search.
    board.n_positions += 1                 # number of positions examined.
    if board.is_solved():
        return True
        for move in board.moves:
            if board.can_move(move):
                if solve(board):
                    return True
    return False

def main():
    """Solve the peg puzzle """
    board = Board(get_size())
    print('Solving a size {} triangular peg puzzle ...'.format(board.size))
    if solve(board):
        print('found a {} move solution after looking at {} positions:'.format(
            len(board.history), board.n_positions))
        print('no solution found after looking at {} positions.'.format(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest