readme_v1.txt ============= The assignment was to use gdb to explore some code. I've expanded my version 0 demo.c to include more printing of memory addresses to understand which pieces - code, stack, heap - get put where. See memory_map.txt for that stuff. Here I'm going to do something a bit different : try to see how the recursive fibbo calls use the stack to store successive frames, and where the local variables for each function call are put. The fibbo function is int fibbo(int n){ if (n < 2) return 1; return fibbo(n-1) + fibbo(n-2); } which recursively finds the n'th Fibonnaci number. (See if you've never heard of these before, though the details don't really matter for the x86 exploration we're doing here.) So let's look at it in the debugger, and remind ourselves about the x86 register conventions : %rax (64bit) , %eax (32bit) return value %rdi (64bit) , %edi (32bit) 1st input arg %rsp stack pointer %rbx , %ebx callee saved (store on stack if used) %rbp , %ebp callee saved (store on stack if used) Here's what I see from gdb, with some annotations. $ gdb ./demo (gdb) start Temporary breakpoint 1 at 0xd2f Starting program: /home/jupyter-jimmahoney/fall2020/systems/c/demo/demo Temporary breakpoint 1, 0x0000555555554d2f in main () The first call to fibbo is in part2. Here it is with some annotations. (gdb) disass part2 Dump of assembler code for function part2: 0x00005555555548bd <+0>: push %rbx 0x00005555555548be <+1>: mov $0x5,%edi // n = 5 0x00005555555548c3 <+6>: callq 0x5555555547ea // rax = f(n) 0x00005555555548c8 <+11>: mov %eax,%ebx 0x00005555555548ca <+13>: lea 0x57a(%rip),%rdi # 0x555555554e4b 0x00005555555548d1 <+20>: callq 0x555555554690 0x00005555555548d6 <+25>: mov %ebx,%edx 0x00005555555548d8 <+27>: lea 0x578(%rip),%rsi # 0x555555554e57 0x00005555555548df <+34>: mov $0x1,%edi 0x00005555555548e4 <+39>: mov $0x0,%eax 0x00005555555548e9 <+44>: callq 0x5555555546c0 <__printf_chk@plt> 0x00005555555548ee <+49>: pop %rbx 0x00005555555548ef <+50>: retq And the code for fibbo itself, also with annotations : (gdb) disas fibbo Dump of assembler code for function fibbo: 0x00005555555547ea <+0>: cmp $0x1,%edi // n <= 1 ? 0x00005555555547ed <+3>: +- jg 0x5555555547f5 0x00005555555547ef <+5>: | mov $0x1,%eax // yes 0x00005555555547f4 <+10>: | retq // ... so return 1 0x00005555555547f5 <+11>: +-> push %rbp // no : save old rbp 0x00005555555547f6 <+12>: push %rbx // save old rbx 0x00005555555547f7 <+13>: sub $0x8,%rsp // align stack 0x00005555555547fb <+17>: mov %edi,%ebx // rbx = n 0x00005555555547fd <+19>: lea -0x1(%rdi),%edi // n' = n-1 0x0000555555554800 <+22>: callq 0x5555555547ea // rax = fib(n') 0x0000555555554805 <+27>: mov %eax,%ebp // rbp = rax 0x0000555555554807 <+29>: lea -0x2(%rbx),%edi // n'' = n-2 0x000055555555480a <+32>: callq 0x5555555547ea // rax = fib(n'') 0x000055555555480f <+37>: add %ebp,%eax // rax += rbp 0x0000555555554811 <+39>: add $0x8,%rsp // align stack 0x0000555555554815 <+43>: pop %rbx // restore old rbx 0x0000555555554816 <+44>: pop %rbp // restore old rbp 0x0000555555554817 <+45>: retq // return f(n')+f(n'') The "sub $0x8,%rsp" line is to ensure that successive return addresses on the stack are aligned on 16 byte boundaries; see for example . So what happens is that the registers %rbx and %rbp are used to store the values of n and f(n-1) before the call to calculate f(n-2). (Don't be confused by the fact that those are sometimes named %ebx and %ebp when refering to the integers in the lower 32 bits.) This means that for each fibbo invocation, what's put on the stack is (remmbering that each thing pushed onto the stack is put at a lower address), like this : ... higher ... -- what --- -- set from -- -- has -- return address (8 bytes) callq fibbo (in caller) 0x..4805, 480f, or 48c8 %rbp (8 bytes) push %rbp (in callee) fib(n-1) %rbx (8 bytes) push %rbx (in callee) n blank (8 bytes) sub $0x8,%rsp (in callee) ... lower ... The return address will be a line number right after "callq ", from either part2 or one of the two calls within fibbo. From the C code we can see that in part2 we calculate fibbo(5). And each call to fibbo(n) needs to call fibbo(n-1) and fibbo(n-2). So that means to find fibbo(5) the calls we can expect are : fibbo(5) fibbo(4) fibbo(3) fibbo(2) fibbo(1) => 1 fibbo(0) => 1 fibbo(1) => 1 fibbo(2) fibbo(1) => 1 fibbo(0) => 1 fibbo(3) fibbo(2) fibbo(1) => 1 fibbo(0) => 1 fibbo(1) => 1 ... since there isn't anything in here smart enough to know that it has calculated things like fibbo(2) before, it will need to calculate the same result over and over again. Each layer then adds the results of the layer before. I'll put a breakpoint at fibbo, look at $edi (i.e. n), and continue a few times before trying to look at the stack. (gdb) continue Continuing. It's another demo.c !!! -- part 0 -- inputs[] is at 0x7fffffffe290 What is your favorite color? ... never mind. ;) -- part1 -- before: n1 = 12, n2 = 34, n3 = 5, n4 = 0 address of g in swap_and_stuff is 0x7fffffffe2e0 after: n1 = 34, n2 = 12, n3 = 5, n4 = 483 Breakpoint 2, 0x00005555555547ea in fibbo () (gdb) x $rdi 0x5: Cannot access memory at address 0x5 (gdb) print $rdi $1 = 5 (gdb) continue Continuing. Breakpoint 2, 0x00005555555547ea in fibbo () (gdb) print $rdi $2 = 4 (gdb) continue Continuing. Breakpoint 2, 0x00005555555547ea in fibbo () (gdb) print $rdi $3 = 3 Breakpoint 2, 0x00005555555547ea in fibbo () (gdb) print $edi $5 = 2 (gdb) continue Continuing. Breakpoint 2, 0x00005555555547ea in fibbo () (gdb) print $edi $6 = 1 Now let's look at the stack. (gdb) x $rsp 0x7fffffffe278: 0x0000555555554805 The stack has the return address, which an address after "callq fibbo" within fiboo. The next value higher (at a larger address) is 8 bytes above that. (gdb) x $rsp + 8 0x7fffffffe280: 0x00000000000001e3 That's junk; the stack pointer was moved by 8 for alignment. Past that is (gdb) x $rsp + 16 0x7fffffffe288: 0x0000000000000003 And the n=2 value is currently stored in %rbx since at the start of fibbo it hasn't yet been pushed to the stack for storage. (gdb) print $rbx $9 = 2 We can see more of the stack with one "examine" (i.e. x) command, but need to be careful about what the result means ... this will show us increasing memory downwards, while pictures of the stack often show it the other way, with higher address at the top. (gdb) x /12gx $rsp 0x7fffffffe278: 0x0000555555554805 0x00000000000001e3 0x7fffffffe288: 0x0000000000000003 0x0000555555554d90 0x7fffffffe298: 0x0000555555554805 0x000000000000000b 0x7fffffffe2a8: 0x0000000000000004 0x0000555555554d90 0x7fffffffe2b8: 0x0000555555554805 0x0000000000000000 0x7fffffffe2c8: 0x0000000000000005 0x0000555555554d90 That last command "x/12gx" means, looking at the gdb notes at , "examine 12 words, each made up of 8-bytes, in hex format. However, be clear that output is arranged like this : 1 2 lower addresses 3 4 5 6 higher address etc with two 8-byte (64bit) words per line, addresses increasing downward, with lower addresses on top. If I rearrage that as etc 6 5 4 3 2 1 I get this, in the usual stack orientation. 0x0000555555554d90 junk ; don't know f(n-1) yet 0x7fffffffe2c8: 0x0000000000000005 saved n = 5 0x0000000000000000 junk ; stack alignment 0x7fffffffe2b8: 0x0000555555554805 return address 0x0000555555554d90 junk ; don't know f(n-1) yet 0x7fffffffe2a8: 0x0000000000000004 saved n = 4 0x000000000000000b junk ; stack alignment 0x7fffffffe298: 0x0000555555554805 return for last fibbo invocation 0x0000555555554d90 caller stored f(n-1), if known 0x7fffffffe288: 0x0000000000000003 caller value of n, saved n = 3 0x00000000000001e3 caller stack alignment 0x7fffffffe278: 0x0000555555554805 return for this callee Each f(n) call calculates both f(n-1) and f(n-2). During the f(n-1) calculation, only n and the return value are saved on the stack; during the f(n-2)'s (which haven't happened yet), both n and the f(n-1) value are saved. So ... there you are. ;)