/* * tiny.c - A simple, iterative HTTP/1.0 Web server that uses the * GET method to serve static and dynamic content. * * Updated 11/2019 droh * - Fixed sprintf() aliasing issue in serve_static(), and clienterror(). */ #include "csapp.h" void doit(int fd); void read_requesthdrs(rio_t *rp); int parse_uri(char *uri, char *filename, char *cgiargs); void serve_static(int fd, char *filename, int filesize); void get_filetype(char *filename, char *filetype); void serve_dynamic(int fd, char *filename, char *cgiargs); void clienterror(int fd, char *cause, char *errnum, char *shortmsg, char *longmsg); int main(int argc, char **argv){ int listenfd, connfd; char hostname[MAXLINE], port[MAXLINE]; socklen_t clientlen; struct sockaddr_storage clientaddr; /* Check command line args */ if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } listenfd = Open_listenfd(argv[1]); while (1) { clientlen = sizeof(clientaddr); connfd = Accept(listenfd, (SA *)&clientaddr, &clientlen); Getnameinfo((SA *) &clientaddr, clientlen, hostname, MAXLINE, port, MAXLINE, 0); printf("Accepted connection from (%s, %s)\n", hostname, port); doit(connfd); Close(connfd); } } /* * doit - handle one HTTP request/response transaction */ void doit(int fd){ int is_static; struct stat sbuf; char buf[MAXLINE], method[MAXLINE], uri[MAXLINE], version[MAXLINE]; char filename[MAXLINE], cgiargs[MAXLINE]; rio_t rio; /* Read request line and headers */ Rio_readinitb(&rio, fd); if (!Rio_readlineb(&rio, buf, MAXLINE)) return; printf("%s", buf); sscanf(buf, "%s %s %s", method, uri, version); if (strcasecmp(method, "GET")) { clienterror(fd, method, "501", "Not Implemented", "Tiny does not implement this method"); return; } read_requesthdrs(&rio); /* Parse URI from GET request */ is_static = parse_uri(uri, filename, cgiargs); if (stat(filename, &sbuf) < 0) { clienterror(fd, filename, "404", "Not found", "Tiny couldn't find this file"); return; } if (is_static) { /* Serve static content */ if (!(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) || !(S_IRUSR & sbuf.st_mode)) { clienterror(fd, filename, "403", "Forbidden", "Tiny couldn't read the file"); return; } serve_static(fd, filename, sbuf.st_size); } else { /* Serve dynamic content */ if (!(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) || !(S_IXUSR & sbuf.st_mode)) { clienterror(fd, filename, "403", "Forbidden", "Tiny couldn't run the CGI program"); return; } serve_dynamic(fd, filename, cgiargs); } } /* * read_requesthdrs - read HTTP request headers */ void read_requesthdrs(rio_t *rp){ char buf[MAXLINE]; Rio_readlineb(rp, buf, MAXLINE); printf("%s", buf); while(strcmp(buf, "\r\n")) { Rio_readlineb(rp, buf, MAXLINE); printf("%s", buf); } return; } /* * parse_uri - parse URI into filename and CGI args * return 0 if dynamic content, 1 if static */ int parse_uri(char *uri, char *filename, char *cgiargs){ char *ptr; if (!strstr(uri, "cgi-bin")) { /* Static content */ strcpy(cgiargs, ""); strcpy(filename, "."); strcat(filename, uri); if (uri[strlen(uri)-1] == '/') strcat(filename, "home.html"); return 1; } else { /* Dynamic content */ ptr = index(uri, '?'); if (ptr) { strcpy(cgiargs, ptr+1); *ptr = '\0'; } else strcpy(cgiargs, ""); strcpy(filename, "."); strcat(filename, uri); return 0; } } /* * serve_static - copy a file back to the client */ void serve_static(int fd, char *filename, int filesize){ int srcfd; char *srcp, filetype[MAXLINE], buf[MAXBUF]; /* Send response headers to client */ get_filetype(filename, filetype); sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Server: Tiny Web Server\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Content-length: %d\r\n", filesize); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Content-type: %s\r\n\r\n", filetype); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); /* Send response body to client */ srcfd = Open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0); srcp = Mmap(0, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, srcfd, 0); Close(srcfd); Rio_writen(fd, srcp, filesize); Munmap(srcp, filesize); } /* * get_filetype - derive file type from file name */ void get_filetype(char *filename, char *filetype) { if (strstr(filename, ".html")) strcpy(filetype, "text/html"); else if (strstr(filename, ".gif")) strcpy(filetype, "image/gif"); else if (strstr(filename, ".png")) strcpy(filetype, "image/png"); else if (strstr(filename, ".jpg")) strcpy(filetype, "image/jpeg"); else strcpy(filetype, "text/plain"); } /* * serve_dynamic - run a CGI program on behalf of the client */ void serve_dynamic(int fd, char *filename, char *cgiargs){ char buf[MAXLINE], *emptylist[] = { NULL }; /* Return first part of HTTP response */ sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Server: Tiny Web Server\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); if (Fork() == 0) { /* Child */ /* Real server would set all CGI vars here */ setenv("QUERY_STRING", cgiargs, 1); Dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); /* Redirect stdout to client */ Execve(filename, emptylist, environ); /* Run CGI program */ } Wait(NULL); /* Parent waits for and reaps child */ } /* * clienterror - returns an error message to the client */ void clienterror(int fd, char *cause, char *errnum, char *shortmsg, char *longmsg){ char buf[MAXLINE]; /* Print the HTTP response headers */ sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 %s %s\r\n", errnum, shortmsg); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); /* Print the HTTP response body */ sprintf(buf, "Tiny Error"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "%s: %s\r\n", errnum, shortmsg); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "

%s: %s\r\n", longmsg, cause); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); sprintf(buf, "

The Tiny Web server\r\n"); Rio_writen(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); }