#!/usr/bin/env python # -- coding: utf-8 -- """ planet_express.py See ./README.md and docs/history.md for all an overview. Jim Mahoney | mahoney@marlboro.edu | Sep 2014 | MIT License """ from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, \ url_for, abort, render_template, flash from src.model import db_session, \ Employee, HasClearance, Shipment, Planet, Package, Client from src.utilities import secret_key app = Flask(__name__) #@app.context_processor #def template_context(): # """ Add variables and/or functions to all template context """ # return dict(name=value, func=func_name, ...) @app.template_filter('static_url') def static_url(filename): """ shortcut for static urls """ # Use {{'path/to/file' | static_url}} in templates # rather than {{url_for('static', filename='path/to/file')}} return url_for('static', filename=filename) @app.teardown_request def shutdown_db_session(exception=None): # As suggested in http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/patterns/sqlalchemy/ db_session.remove() @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/about') def about(): return render_template('index.html') if __name__ == '__main__': app.secret_key = secret_key app.session_cookie_name = __name__ + '_session' app.run(debug = True, port = 8090, host = '')