jims_flask_tutorial_readme.txt ---------------- My notes on the tutorial at www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/ how-to-make-a-web-application-using-flask-in-python-3 -- Setting up a work folder $ mkdir flask # create a folder to work in $ cd flask # and go there Fetching the source code ; this creates ./flask_blog/ $ git clone https://github.com/do-community/flask_blog -- Setting up a python virtual environment here : $ python -m venv env $ ls total 4 0 flask_blog/ 0 env/ 4 readme.txt -- Activating the virtual environment $ source env/bin/activate (flask_env) $ python --version Python.3.9.1 (env) $ which python .../flask/flask_env/bin/python (env) $ which pip .../flask/flask_env/bin/python -- Install flask (env) $ pip install flask -- I already have sqlite3 ; on a mac one way to get it is (env) $ brew install sqlite3 -- Initializing the database (env) $ cd flask_blog (env) $ python init_db.py # create and initialize database.db (env) $ ls 4 app.py 4 hello.py 4 schema.sql 0 templates/ 12 database.db 4 init_db.py 0 static/ -- Running the flask development server (with debugging) (env) $ export FLASK_APP=app (env) $ export FLASK_ENV=development (env) $ cd flask_blog (env) $ flask run ... and then visit the site it tells you to with a browser.