/* types.c++
 * In the C++ language, a successor to C, the idea of polymorphic dipatch
 * was given a boost with the "template" syntax, declaring a family of 
 * functions (or objects) with differing types. 
 * So here we are allowed to have two different plus() functions, 
 * as long as we declare ahead of time the "template" for them.
 *    $  gcc types3.c++ -o types3     # compile at C++ program
 *    $ ./types3                      # run it
 *    -- int plus -- 
 *    3 + 4 is 7 
 *    -- float plus -- 
 *    3.2 + 4.1 is 7.3 

#include <stdio.h>

template<typename T> T plus(T a, T b);

int plus(int a, int b){
  printf(" -- int plus -- \n");
  return a + b;

float plus(float a, float b){
  printf(" -- float plus -- \n");
  return a + b;

int main(){

  int i=3;
  int j=4;

  float x=3.2;
  float y=4.1;
  printf(" %d + %d is %d \n", i, j, plus(i,j));
  printf(" %g + %g is %g \n", x, y, plus(x,y));
  return 0;