programming language syntax examples So far: arithmetic ((1 + 2.3) * 7) proposed : -- assignment -- x = 3 single equal ? x <- 3 back arrow R x ← 3 x := 3 walrus x : 3 luka ... use colon for assignment x(3) Matt suggests this ... hilarity ensued let x = 3 tiny basic x]3[ Quang is trying to be contrary x is 3 Franky suggests this x is? 3 boolean ------------------------- functions ... is there an anonymous function define invoke f(x,y) # by far the most common f x y # haskell f := {x,y | x + y} # tom set notation ? f := ( x,y => x + y ) javascript fat arrow ; math if (condition) then (code block) (x is? 3) => { print(x) } # if statement that looks mathy (Tom) x ? yes : no # only ternary operator (x ? yes) # minimal if statement luka in the chat : "x is 3" -> assignment Jim's reaction : clever ... but maybe too clever "is x 3" -> boolean .... Jim says ... "is" is sounding popular. Quang : instead of ; between statements, use period ... more like english. If so, will need to enforce whitespace to avoid confusion with decimals. Either period plus whitespace or period plus newline maybe. ------------------------- print(x) if x == 3 then print(x)