This is the demo that I did in the video.
Since I want to make an easily viewable "save as html" file from this, I changed .draw() to a messier alternative. The details are below.
Jim Mahoney | September 2020 | | MIT License
from drawing import *
from random import randint
picture = Drawing(400, 400)
picture.set_coords(0, 0, 10, 10) # bottom,left, top,right
for i in range(10):
random_color = color_rgb(randint(0,255), randint(0,255), randint(0,255))
picture.add( Line( Point(randint(1,9), randint(2,6)),
Point(8, 3) ,
picture.render() # Create in memory but don't show it yet.
# Display the picture and put it into the python notebook.
# This lets the image be part of the "save as html" file,
# which .draw() does not, but needs to be in a different cell,
# evaluated only after the image has been created.