
 an example of recursive depth first search
 The graph is the one at

 $ python search.py
 Visiting node  a
 Visiting node  b
 Visiting node  e
 Visiting node  f
 Visiting node  c
 Visiting node  g
 Visiting node  h
 Visiting node  d

Jim Mahoney | cs.bennington.college | April 7 2022 | MIT License

# Save some typing.
a='a'; b='b'; c='c'; d='d'; e='e'; f='f'; g='g'; h='h'

# Graph description as an "adjacency list".
# The keys are the nodes; the values are neighbors.
graph = {
    a: [b, c, d],
    b: [a, e, f],
    c: [a, f, g, h],
    d: [a, h],
    e: [b],
    f: [b, c, h],
    g: [f],
    h: [c, d]

def search(graph, node, visited={}):
    """ depth-first recursive search """
    visited[node] = True
    print("Visiting node ", node)
    for neighbor in graph[node]:
        if not neighbor in visited:
            search(graph, neighbor, visited)

search(graph, a)