 * c_object_template.c
 * a template for working with "data objects" in C.
 * These "objects" contain data storage, not methods.
 * Instead create functions that take the data storage as their first arg.
 * The key ideas are 
 *    i)    define new types made up of struct
 *    ii)   treat the pointer to that struct as the "object".
 *    iii)  use malloc to create (memory allocate) these things
 *    iv)   access the fields within the struct with the -> operator .
 * For example, this is legal C syntax :
 *       struct _foo {
 *         int bar;
 *         int baz;
 *       }
 *       struct _foo    f1;
 *       struct _foo    f2;
 *       f1.bar = 3;
 *       f2.baz = 4;
 * The "struct _foo" words are treated as one thing, a type,
 * similar to "int". So "struct _foo f1" is a declaration 
 * that f1 is a "struct _foo". 
 * But these structures can get big ... think arrays of 
 * of thousands of points. In practice we usually want
 * a reference to one of these ... a pointer to a struct _foo.
 * The syntax is :
 *     structure.field      
 *     (*ptr_to_struct).field      // dereference a pointer first
 *     ptr_to_struct->field        // same thing

// You need this for malloc()
#include <stdlib.h>

// ... and this for printf.
#include <stdio.h>

// ... and this for strcpy
#include <string.h>

// Define "mything" as a pointer to "struct _mything".
typedef struct _mything *mything;

// Then define what "struct _mything" is.
// Doing things in this order allows this definition
// to include mything, for example a Node in a linked list
// that has a pointer to another Node.
struct _mything {
    // interior data fields defined here. For example:
    int count;           // an integer value 
    char name[32];       // a string of 32 characters.

// Define a "create one of these" function.
mything new_mything(){
  // allocate a mything block of memory; return a pointer to it.
    mything newthing = malloc(sizeof(struct _mything));
    newthing->count = 0;             // initialize its count
    strcpy(newthing->name, "");      // copy empty string to it's name.
    return newthing;

int main(){

    mything george = new_mything();     // create one
    george->count = 33;                 // put stuff in it
    strcpy(george->name, "George");     // and give it a name.

    printf("The object has count=%i and name=%s.\n",
           george->count, george->name);

    return 0;