May 24
... start recording.
Penultimate meeting!
Today :
- review what we've covered this term
- beyond this course
- first round of "share your project"
- foundation ideas & skills for CS
- "how to " - skills
- edit files
- use the command line
- run a (python) program - several ways
- Note : we didn't create GUI programs or web programs
- practice looking for information online - "google it"
- write programs : bottom up , top down
- debugging code : small pieces , testing , "print everything"
- design programs : divide into smaller tasks - FUNCTIONS
- clear communication : documentation & comments, names, API
- programming language components
- values : bits, bytes, numbers (integer, float), strings, ASCII
- variables & program "state" ; "NOUNS"
- functions : inputs (arguments), outputs (return values) ; "VERBS"
- terminal and file I/O :
, write()
, input()
- data structures : lists, dictionaries
- conditionals :
statements and boolean true/false values
- loops :
, while
- "accumulator pattern" ... one common way to create or modify a list, string, etc
- objects - "classes" in python - data & functions with an API abstraction
- recursion
All this is, as I have said, like body building -
you cannot really build these skills except through practice.
what we didn't get to yet (or enough of) - future topics
appropriate "next steps" courses next year
Fall :
- Code Workshop (2 credits nominal ; may do an individual project for a 3rd credit)
- Internet Seminary - networks, web tech : HTML/CSS/Javascript, front end, back end, ...
Spring :
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Gadgets : Microcontrollers, Circuits, and all that
And we'll again be doing a search for a second CS faculty member.
project presentations
Over to you ... who's up ?
Today :
Thursday :
- Saira
- Shlesha
- Emmanuel
- Tyrone