an Electronics &
Microcontroller Lab

Spring 2022

Feb 22

First order of business to check-in and see how you are all getting along with this stuff:

Second is to go over some key circuit concepts, and to practice "debugging" circuits with multimeters.

Let's assemble this circuit

in several ways : (i) wires, (ii) breadboard + battery, (iii) breadboard + arduino

Then let's measure the power going through the LED. Rather than just write the formula here, I'll ask some questions and we'll come up with answers in class.

OK, now suppose we want to add a second LED. What are the different ways to put one into the circuit? What difference does it make?

Third, what are some ways to alter the code and/or the circuit to change things up?

Finally, depending on how this is going, we'll decide how much time to allocate to these first "lights" labs ... stay tuned. ;) /courses /spring2022 /gadgets /notes /feb22
last modified Mon February 21 2022 10:52 pm

attachments [paper clip]

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TXT circuit.png Mon Feb 21 2022 10:15 pm 696K