chapter 4 - objects & graphics
- Read chapter 4 in the text, and browse my corresponding notes & videos.
- Be able to write python code that uses one of the graphics libraries :
- Zelle's on your computer (or a lab computer) - see the graphics links under "textbook" over on the left
- or my, which you can run on jupyter.bennington in a notebook.
- Do exercise 3 in chapter 4, drawing a face. Submit your code, a brief explanation of what you did, and a screenshot. (Hint: you can draw part of a circle by first drawing the whole circle, then hiding part of it by putting another shape that's the same color as the background on top of it.)
- Describe briefly in your own words and give a code example for the following concepts:
- class
- instance
- method
- argument
- Do the sol_lewitt_lab. Again, submit your code (upload a file or copy paste), a brief explanation of what you did, and a screenshot.
- How is all this going for you? How much time did you spend this week doing what for this course? Please let me know what I can do to support you better.