Thu Oct 7
old business
Let's discuss some React & Svelte examples. Here are two :
Ones that you looked at?
new business
New topic for the next couple of weeks : networks.
As we just did with frameworks, your job here is to (a)
read enough to understand some of the basic ideas,
and (b) play around with some tools to see some of the details.
Your mission for this week - see the assignments :
- Browse the material at resources : networks page
- Read the first chapter of An Intro to Networks
- Install wireshark and play around with it :
- check out its user manual and/or google "wireshark tutorial"
- capture & examine some packets :
- start capturing some packets
- with a browser, visit a website
- stop capturing packets
- in the wireshark capture, find the packets that loaded that website
- how many other packets are in that capture?
- what are some of the protocols? (What is your computer doing in the background ...)
- Tell on the homework submission page what you did and how it went.
I'll provide a overview today of some of the ideas :
- concepts: TCP/IP, packets, layers, ports, protocols, LAN, ...
- bits, bytes, addresses (IP, MAC)
- packet captures ... Matt Dailey's formatted prettified ones
- command line tools : ping, traceroute, nmap, ...
Lots of cool stuff to explore!