I've posted an assignment due Thursday covering the material in sections 3.2 (local state) and 3.3 (mutable data) in the text.
We've already discussed 3.2 at some length; today we'll go over some of the ideas in 3.3.
And from there I'll give you a pep-talk about where we're headed next.
Questions about anything?
Discuss set-car!
and set-cdr!
, and the Guile vs DrRacket quirks to look out for, namely
that these languages have "mutable pairs" and "immutable pairs", even though there
isn't an easy way to test for the difference ... at least not in the "SICP compatible" version of the DrRacket language. From what I can read, the old SICP
scheme only had mutable pairs. Lookup "racket mutable" for some of this stuff. In racket, mcons
rather than cons
is the mutable pair.
The upshot of this is that in the guile scheme, you should use (list 1 2 3)
rather than '(1 2 3)
to make mutable structures. And grow from (list )
, not '()
... at least that's what worked for me.
Exercises to try in class: 3.15 set-to-wow!
and 3.16 count-pairs
Let's think over what we've done so far, and start to talk about the "big picture" of how that fits into the study of programming languages.
(function arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)
(a special form)cons
, environments)Next I want to pull back and take a look at how these ideas connect to all programming languages ... by talking about how to code a programming language using another programming language, namely "interpreters" and "compilers".
In SICP, some of this is covered in chapter 4 ... and we'll circle back to that, after first looking at the big picture.
I can give you the punch line now : the language we've been doing, lisp,
is special in that the syntactic structure of the language makes the
semantic structure obvious and trivial. It's really the only language family
where the data structures (what we've been doing with list
and cons
are made up of the same stuff as the programs (what we've been
doing with define
and lambda
and all that). That means that
in lisp, data and code look the same ... which means the tools
to have your programming language manipulate your programming language
are already right there in front of you.
So : let's start with two concepts.
(Language A is itself running on top of an operating system and some sort of assembly language D, but that is not the point here.)
All this is more common that you might think. In many cases you may want to invent your own domain-specific language (DSL) to handle some particular problem. Why do you think that there are 1500 programming languages at 99-bottles-of-beer.net ? Never mind all the non-programming languages like regular expressions, HTML, CSS, JSON, YAML, diff, and so on.
What are the pieces & steps involved in these compilers & interpreters? I'm glad you asked.
All of these are big topics, and in the month or so left this term we won't fully master them. But we can see some examples and understand how the ideas fit together.
I'll find us some small-ish problems for us to explore these themes, and will post some online resources soon, including
So ... stay tuned. ;)