SICP textbook
- the book
- supporting material
This courses uses the "scheme" language, a dialect of lisp.
The dialect in the book is purposefully minimalistic and somewhat archaic, but there are currently supported scheme implementations that can be customized to run the book code. The two that I would suggest working with
are either racket or guile.
- - the DrRacket application on mac, windows, ubuntu.
- Put either "#lang scheme" or "#lang sicp" at the start of your code.
- You may need to install #lang sicp from within DrRacket.
- guile - will run in a terminal (i.e. on jupyter)
If you use racket, then you're best using its IDE built-in editor application, DrRacket.
If you use guile, then you'll also need a text editor that understands lisp formatting,
such as emacs (my preference) or sublime text or whatever - YMMV.
Possible avenues of study later this term.
command line
code editors & IDEs
- nano - a simple but good unix (and windows git bash) command line line choice
- emacs - what Jim uses ; one of the classic terminal editors | aquamacs (emacs is often the choice of lisp coders)
- vim - another classic in-the-terminal hacker's editor
- notepad++ (windows) - free code-friendly replacement for Notepad
- sublime text - a popular proprietary GUI editor
- vscode - Microsoft's Visual Code Studio ; has been one of the most popular editors lately
- atom - a web-oriented GUI code editor
- PyCharm - JetBrain's lots-of-bells app for editing & running python on Mac, Windows, Linux. There's a free "community" version and a paid version with more features.
- IDLE -'s app for editing and running python ; comes with the standard python installation
- google "top python editor IDE", eh?