chapters 2 (simple programs) & 3 (working with numbers)
- Read chapters 2 & 3 in the textbook. Check out my corresponding notes and videos.
- Do the following exercises, in any python environment you want.
On jupyter.bennington, both the terminal and python notebook would be
possible choices. Submit both your code and output showing what it does.
- Chapter 2 programming exercises 1 ( with an intro),
7 (modified, and 11 (unit conversion) on pages 54 & 55.
- Chapter 3 programming exercises 12 (sum of cubes), 14 (average of N numbers),
and 15 (approximate value of pi), and 16 (Fibonnacci sequence).
- And I have two "connecting with others" exercises for you:
- Slack : Get Slack working, become part of the
workspace, and join the #spring21-introcs channel (if you haven't already).
Ask another question there about anything from the material in chapters 1
through 3. And post a response to someone else's question.
- Tutors on zoom : pick any one of the programming exercises you've done to screenshare
and explain to one of the tutors. If their advertised zoom times don't
work for you, email them and make arrangements for another time.
(Note that the class zoom room can be used by any of you to work with
others on homework if no one else is using it, or use facetime or google
meet or whatever collaboration tools you like.)
- As with all these assignments, use these as a prompt to engage with the material.
If it feels too easy, do more. If it's too much, ask for help and do fewer.
- Let me know how all this is going for you.