Intro to

Spring 2021

April 22

... start recording



Midterm projects are due today.

I've had requests to extend the deadline. In this case, I'm willing to grant another two days if you need it : I will accept through Saturday midnight without penalty. Past that will be for reduced credit.

So let's wait until Monday to to discuss it and look at my version, in case yours is still coming in.

what's coming next

I've posted preliminary versions of all the assignments for the rest of the term.

We have no class next Thursday, and no assignment due next week - a good time to catch up or make up a missing assignment if need be.

A proposal for a final project is due in two weeks. I'll suggest some ideas and describe the sort of thing I'm looking for next week. I will be looking for a more complete "first draft" a week before the final deadline.

So ... at this point you've seen most of the big ideas of the term. We've covered a lot, and now need to practice and help make what you've seen more tangible.


I'd like to spend today doing some coding work in class, first in breakout rooms and then together.

First : FizzBuzz .

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. 
But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number 
and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are 
multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”."

This is a classic "programming job interview" question, and has many "joke" answers scattered around the internet, illustrating different programming styles. We'll discuss several :

Can you write FizzBuzz in each of these styles?

Note that there are other programming paradigms ... many even less appropriate for FizzBuzz, such as event-driven .

Second (depending on time) : some chap 11 exercises .

(I started working through the prime number sieve during class, but didn't get very far and wasn't being particularly coherent. I've attached a finished version of that exercise,, and we'll go over that on Monday.)

over the top ? /courses /spring2021 /introcs /notes /april21
last modified Mon April 26 2021 12:29 am