algorithms and data structures - books both online & hardcopy
- documentation & help
- installing it - make sure you get version 3.something
- official downloads
- anaconda distribution - another distribution with numpy & all the trimmings
- jupyter - a browser-based python numerical environment
- find recipes by googling terms like "windows install bash python 3" or "install mac python 3" or similar variations.
- online environments
- - our online environment : jupyter + terminal + editor
- pythontutor - online code visualization
- - run jupyter notebooks from github .ipynb files
- cocalc - a jupyter + terminal site with many xtras including collaboration (free & paid versions)
- - python in a browser ; can run python's turtle
-, a data science community, provides free interactive jupyter notebooks.
- google colaboratory (Colab) lets you run jupyter notebooks in a google docs account.
- style, tests, and types (oh my). YMMV
- extras
jupyter notebooks & plotting
command line
running it :
- jupyter.bennington ; "new terminal"
- Mac: "Terminal" application (click magnifying glass in menu for Spotlight; type 'Terminal')
- Windows: install "git bash" which includes the unix "bash" shell including a terminal, ssh, and other common unix-y stuff.
tutorials :
code editors & IDEs
- nano - a simple but good unix (and windows git bash) command line line choice
- emacs - what Jim uses ; one of the classic terminal editors | aquamacs ac application
- vim - another classic in-the-terminal hacker's editor
- notepad++ (windows) - free code-friendly replacement for Notepad
- sublime text - a popular proprietary GUI editor
- vscode - Microsoft's Visual Code Studio ; has been one of the most popular editors lately
- atom - a web-oriented GUI code editor
- PyCharm - JetBrain's lots-of-bells app for editing & running python on Mac, Windows, Linux. There's a free "community" version and a paid version with more features.
- IDLE -'s app for editing and running python ; comes with the standard python installation
- google "top python editor IDE", eh?
- theory / background / context
- tutorials
- exercises
- tools - SQLite
- implementation
- other
coding practice