- Thu Feb 17 - getting started
- Mon Feb 21 - brute force, indexed arrays, definitions
- Thu Feb 24 - python overview ; sorting first take ; start O() .
- Mon Feb 28 - O() notation & numerical experiments
- Thu March 3 - linked lists
- Mon March 7 - practice with python, C, linked lists, recursion, and all that
- Mon March 14 - linked lists homework; start sorting
- Thu March 17 - loop invariants; continue sorting
- Mon March 21 - reversing a linked list, quicksort
- Thu March 24 - priority queu, heap, heapsort
- Mon March 28 - hash table
- Thu April 7 - finish hash tables ; start trees & graphs
- Mon April 11 - depth-first and breadth-first search
- Thu April 14 - word ladder, parse trees, game search
- Mon April 18 - no class (Jim is sick)
- Thu April 21 - shortest path
- Mon April 25 - B-Trees & SQL part 1
- Thu April 28 - SQL practice
- Mon May 2 - traveling salesman problem (TSP)
- Thu May 5 - more TSP ; start complexity
- Mon May 9 - continue complexity
- Thu May 12 - philosophy of mind
- Mon May 16 - search methods using the n-queens problem
- Thu May 19 - dynamic programming with the change-making problem
- Mon May 23 - last class - project sharing