1. planning
due Tue Feb 22
- Propose a coding project. Please include as many explicit details as you can including
- a description of what you what to do
- technology specifics - languages, platforms, libraries
- examples of similar work
- resources - tutorials, documentation
- a tentative schedule of deadlines and deliverables
- What is your github username?
- Anything else you'd like me to know as we get going?
2. update 1
due Tue Mar 1
- Tell me what you did this week to get started on your project.
3. update 2
due Tue Mar 8
- What did you do this week?
4. update 3
due Tue Mar 15
5. get ready for code review
due Tue Mar 22
- This week I'd like you each to get ready for our "code review" exercise.
- First, set up a code repository for your work somewhere, including a README file, if you haven't already. This can be on github, here in our shared folders, or wherever.
- Put a link to that repository the your projects page (link in the left menu) - I've left a "code" spot at the end of everyone's description.
- Choose some specific chunk of your code that you would like to invite others in the class to review, and explain where to find that and the context of what's what in your README.
- Do please also give some "how to install and run this" instructions.
- Finally, please look over everyone's project proposal, and then tell me here in the homework submission which of those you feel comfortable giving feedback on.
6. code review discussion
due Tue Mar 29
- Who's code did you review?
- Did you get any comments on your own work?
- What are your thoughts about this code review exercise?
- And what new work have you done on your own project?
7. midterm progress report
due Tue Apr 12
- Please be ready to discuss in class the status of your project.
- Preparing a short demo with progress so far would be one good way to do that ...
- Along with some handwaving at some code ...
- And what you're planning next.
8. project paper - rough draft
due Tue May 17
- Penultimate class.
- Please submit a draft of your final summary paper ... see below.
- We'll do two rounds of show-n-tell in class; today and next week.
9. project paper
due Tue May 24
- Last class!
- Please submit a summary paper describing and explaining your work. Include a bibliography, discussion, docs, code archive and/or links to your code, screenshots and/or live demos.
- Think of this as way to demonstrate to someone what you accomplished - a port\
folio piece, if you will.
- In class, we'll do the 2nd round of show-n-tell.
10. term evaluation
due Mon Jun 6
- A place Jim to leave your semester grade.