Structure and
of Computer

Fall 2021

Mon Sep 13


Today we'll walk through some of the ideas in section 1.2 of the textbook.


First, I wanted to point out that the language of this problem can be confusing. Essentially it asks you to redefine addition in terms of increment and decrement, in two different ways. However, since inc and dec may be already defined in terms of +, redefining + may also redefine inc and dec if you're not careful ... and this is not what we want.

So I found it easier to think of this as defining new functions, call them plus-iter and plus-recur, or +' (plus prime) and +'' (plus double prime) or whatever you want. That way you won't run the risk of altering inc and dec.

One of the methods turns for example 2+3 into 1+4 then into 0+5, stopping when the first is 0, and then keeping the second as the answer.

iterative vs recursive process & using trace

See the attached images for DrRacket trace versions of the factorial 'n!' implemented in two different way. Discuss what the "last" thing that happens is, and why one can use "tail recursion" but the other cannot.

In our terminal version of Guile, I've found that if you define factorial in a file and then (load "factorial.scm"), the trace is long and uses compiler-assigned unfriendly names. To see this "iterative process" vs "recursive process" version, it works to define the function at the interactive prompt and then trace that :

$ scheme
Guile 2.2.7. Enter ',help' for help.
Language: scheme for SICP with some extras.
> (define (factorial n)
... (if (= n 1)
...     1
...     (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
> ,trace (factorial 6)
trace: (factorial 6)
trace: |  (factorial 5)
trace: |  |  (factorial 4)
trace: |  |  |  (factorial 3)
trace: |  |  |  |  (factorial 2)
trace: |  |  |  |  |  (factorial 1)
trace: |  |  |  |  |  1
trace: |  |  |  |  2
trace: |  |  |  6
trace: |  |  24
trace: |  120
trace: 720

Compare that "shape" with this :

$ scheme
Guile 2.2.7. Enter ',help' for help.
Language: scheme for SICP with some extras.
> (define (fact-iter answer counter n)
... (if (> counter n)
...     answer
...     (fact-iter (* counter answer)
...                (+ counter 1)
...                n)))
> ,trace (fact-iter 1 1 6)
trace: (fact-iter 1 1 6)
trace: (fact-iter 1 2 6)
trace: (fact-iter 2 3 6)
trace: (fact-iter 6 4 6)
trace: (fact-iter 24 5 6)
trace: (fact-iter 120 6 6)
trace: (fact-iter 720 7 6)
trace: 720

Fibonacci : recursive, iterative, memoization

Let's first discuss this in python to make clear the differences in approach ... what's good and what works.

coming soon

aside /courses /fall2021 /sicp /notes /09-13
last modified Mon September 13 2021 1:51 am

attachments [paper clip]

  last modified size
TXT factorial_iter.png Mon Sep 13 2021 01:04 am 293K
TXT factorial_recur.png Mon Sep 13 2021 01:04 am 257K