Structure and
of Computer

Fall 2021

Thu Nov 4

First order of business

Let's discuss any of this week's homework you'd like to go over :

Second order of business

New topic : start looking at "grammars" and "BNF notation" : how to define a programming language.

resources :

I'll go over some of these ideas in class, working through some of the examples in the materials above.

The next topic is "lexers" : how to turn a text string into `[(token-type, value), (token-type, value), ....] which is the first step in interpreting or compiling a computer program.

Please start reading through these materials. I'll choose some exercises before Monday which will be due next Thursday.

to think about

These are a bit open ended so far ... but some of these may turn into assignments. ;)

related resources - compilers, interpreters, interesting languages /courses /fall2021 /sicp /notes /11-04
last modified Thu November 4 2021 5:14 pm

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TXT expression_grammar.txt Thu Nov 04 2021 05:14 pm 870B