
Spring 2022

March 15

project summaries

next up - code review

We've now been once through everyone presenting your project.

I would like us to try next work on a "reading someone else's code and giving feedback" exercise.

Please start by reading these articles.

Next, please get your work ready to be ready by others, if it isn't already, and choose something to be reviewable :

After we are ready, I will ask each of you to give some constructive feedback on two other projects ... which you'll send to me, so I can collate them all. What I have in mind is to ask each of you to respond to those ideas, saying what was helpful.

Comments? Discussion?

midterm reports - by end of march

We're coming up on the middle of the semester - end of March is the end of the 1st seven weeks.

I'd like to have another round of progressive presentations ... format to be decided. /courses /spring2022 /projects /notes /march14
last modified Mon March 14 2022 4:39 pm